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Conveying System

A good conveyor system design provides the opportunity to truly automate production and warehousing lines, minimizing the number of operators.

As a part of the turnkey solutions, Clearpack supplies a vast range of conveyors for high–speed to heavy-duty applications, these conveyors can handle a variety of industries and products using rollers, belts, drag chains, and more, and can be powered or non- powered.

Live Roller Conveyor
  • Live roller conveyors use power to propel boxed and palletized products down the line.
  • Roller conveyors are an economical solution for many different industries and applications,including warehousing, manufacturing, and beverage distribution.
  • These powered conveyor rollers are a durable solution for medium- to large-size products.
  • Benefits: Cost Effective; Durable; Low maintenance costs; Adaptable to many industries
  • Application: Distribution; Manufacturing; Warehousing
Belt-Over Conveyor
  • Description: Belt-over conveyors are constructed with belts over slider beds or roller beds.
  • They are used when live roller conveyors are not an appropriate solution due to the product being conveyed or the application need.
  • Benefits: The belted surface offers better support for the product, more accurate control of flow, and a better grip on the product for incline and decline applications. Allows for variance in product types
  • Application: Inclines and declines; Small and bagged products; Gapping and tracking products; High-speed scan tunnels
Drag Chain Conveyor
  • Description: Drag chain conveyors are designed to handle pallets and other larger loads efficiently and effectively.
  • This product consists of stands of power chains designed to directly support the material being conveyed.
  • Benefits: Economical; Durable; Reduced maintenance
  • Application: Pallet handling; Large rigid cartons or containers
Gravity Conveyor
  • Description: Gravity conveyors are non-powered solutions that use gravity or some external force to move products.
  • Gravity conveyors may be metal or composite chutes, rollers, or skate wheel conveyors.
  • Benefits: Highly cost-effective material handling solutions; easy to install and relocate since they do not utilize motorized parts. These can be installed on an incline, or on a straight line in a shipping or assembly area. Improves handling capacity
  • Application: Shipping receiving, and assembly areas; Accumulation; Picking areas